The Cremorne Bowls and Community Club (The Club) is ideally located in the heart of Cremorne, a small coastal village within the municipality of Clarence, and just a twenty-minute drive from the Hobart CBD.

We welcome visitors and new members alike.

The Club provides fantastic facilities to support all its members, including current and future bowlers. Additionally, as a central point of the community, the Club also caters for regular private and community functions, including our highly successful pop-up food vans and Pete’s Fish & Chips.

The Club is affiliated with Bowls Tasmania South – with our Women’s Division 2 team taking out the 2022/23 Grand Final.

For those more socially inclined, the Club also runs both a summer barefoot bowls competition (Thursday nights) and an indoor winter roster (Wednesday nights).

We hope to see you at the Club one day soon.

Alex Barber

President – Cremorne Bowls and Community Club


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